Lista giochi dell'anno 1992

Lista di tutte le console
Lista di tutte le aziende

Euro Football Champ
SuperNintendo, 1992, Taito - Taito

Goal! Two
NES, 1992, Jaleco Entertainment - Jaleco Entertainment

Kid Icarus: Of Myth and Monsters virtualconsole
GameBoy, 1992, Nintendo - Tose

Kirby's Dream Land
GameBoy, 1992, Nintendo - Hal Laboratories

Kirby's Pinball Land virtualconsole
GameBoy, 1992, Nintendo - Hal Laboratories

Konami Hyper Soccer
NES, 1992, Konami - Konami

La Famiglia Addams
SuperNintendo, 1992, Ocean Software - Ocean Software

Maniac Mansion
NES, 1992, Jaleco Entertainment - Lucas Arts

Metroid II: The Return of Samus virtualconsole
GameBoy, 1992, Nintendo - Nintendo

Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing
GameBoy, 1992, Gametek - Gametek

SuperNintendo, 1992, Nintendo - Nintendo EAD

Super Ghouls'n Ghosts
SuperNintendo, 1992, Capcom - Capcom

Super Mario World
SuperNintendo, 1992, Nintendo - Nintendo EAD

Super Pang
SuperNintendo, 1992, Capcom - Capcom

Super R.C. Pro-Am
GameBoy, 1992, Nintendo - Rareware

Super Soccer
SuperNintendo, 1992, Human Entertainment - Human Entertainment

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
SuperNintendo, 1992, Konami - Konami

The Blues Brothers
NES, 1992, Titus - Titus

The Flintstones
NES, 1992, Taito - Taito

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
SuperNintendo, 1992, Nintendo - Nintendo EAD

Tiny Toons Adventures
NES, 1992, Konami - Konami

Tom & Jerry
SuperNintendo, 1992, Hi Tech Expressions - Hi Tech Expressions

Wave Race
GameBoy Advance, 1992, - Nintendo