Super Smash Bros.Brawl - Soluzione completa - Lista degli adesivi
Ecco l'elenco degli adesivi. Gli adesivi servono nell'Emissario del Subspazio, e possono essere…

Eccoli in ordine alfabetico:
- 18-Volt (Wario Ware: Touched!)
- 9-Volt (Wario Ware: Touched!)
- 9-Volt (WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$)
- Acro (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
- Agostina (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Aijou Boom no Ya (Sennen Kazoku)
- Akari Hayami (1080°: Avalanche)
- Akari Hayami (Wave Race: Blue Storm)
- Akuma (Sennen Kazoku)
- Allenatore di Pokémon (serie Pokémon)
- Amy Rose (Sonic CD)
- Ana (Mother)
- Ana (Wario Ware: Touched!)
- Anatra (Duck Hunt)
- Andrew (Star Fox: Assault)
- Andy (Advance Wars)
- Annie (Custom Robo V2)
- Aracnula (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Aril (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Arpione (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Arraffaele (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Arwing (Lylat Wars)
- Ashley (Another Code: Due memorie)
- Ashley (Wario Ware: Touched!)
- Ashley con il DAS (Another Code: Due memorie)
- Ashnard (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
- Astrina (Mario Party 5)
- Astrobaffo (Mario Party 5)
- Astromare (Mario Party 5)
- Auto rossa (Mother)
- Autowario (Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)
- Baba Deku (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Baby Mario (serie Yoshi's Island)
- Baby Mario nella bolla (serie Yoshi's Island)
- Baby Mario Superstar (Yoshi's Island DS)
- Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fight)
- Banana (Mario Kart DS)
- Barile Ciuf-Ciuf (Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)
- Barile DK (Donkey Kong Country)
- Bartolo (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Bassotto tedesco nano (Nintendogs)
- Baungle (Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland)
- Bauzer (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- BELLOSSOM (serie Pokémon)
- Big Boss (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
- Big the Cat (Sonic Adventure Director's Cut)
- Bigodina (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Birbo (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Birro (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Black Shadow (F-Zero GX)
- Blargg (Yoshi's Story)
- Blatero (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Blaze the Cat (Sonic Rush)
- Blocco (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Blood Falcon (F-Zero GX)
- Blue Falcon (F-Zero GX)
- Bombospino (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- Bonbon (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- Boney (Mother 3)
- Bonkers (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- BONSLY (serie Pokémon)
- Boo (Mario Tennis)
- Boomerang (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Boulder (Excite Truck)
- Boundish (Digiluxe)
- Bowser (Dancing Stage: Mario Mix)
- Bowser (Mario Kart 64)
- Bowser (Mario Power Tennis)
- Bowser (Super Paper Mario)
- Bowser Junior (Mario Superstar Baseball)
- Bowser Junior (Super Mario Sunshine)
- Brontottero (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
- Bullfrog (Star Fox Command)
- Camion (Mother)
- Camion rimorchio (Wild Trax)
- Capitano (Another Code: Due memorie)
- Capt. Falcon (F-Zero GX)
- Capt. Falcon (F-Zero X)
- Capt. Falcon (F-Zero)
- Carica SOS (Paper Mario: Il Portale Millenario)
- Casco di banane (Donkey Kong: Jet Race)
- Categnaccio (Mario Party 8)
- Cavaliere nero (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
- CELEBI (serie Pokémon)
- Celeste (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Cellulare (Kirby e il Labirinto degli Specchi)
- Cervello Madre (Metroid: Zero Mission)
- Chao (Sonic Adventure Director's Cut)
- Chaos (Sonic Adventure Director's Cut)
- CHARIZARD (serie Pokémon)
- Charmy Bee (Knuckles' Chaotix)
- Chef (Game & Watch)
- Chef (Shaberu! DS Cooking Navi)
- Chibi-Robo (Chibi-Robo!)
- Chibi-Robo (Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol)
- Chibi-Robo corre (Chibi-Robo!)
- Chihuahua (Nintendogs)
- CHIKORITA (serie Pokémon)
- Chonmagyo (Densetsu no Stafy 2)
- Chromatron (Digiluxe)
- Chunky Kong (Donkey Kong 64)
- Cicogna (Yoshi's Island DS)
- Cipolla (Pikmin 2)
- Claus (Mother 3)
- Coleto (Pikmin 2)
- Colin (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Colonnello (MGS2: Sons of Liberty)
- Commander Kahn (Elite Beat Agents)
- Consilia (Super Paper Mario)
- Conte Cenere (Super Paper Mario)
- Cranky Kong (Donkey Konga 3 JP)
- Cream the Rabbit & Cheese (Sonic Advance 2)
- Crimilde (Paper Mario: Il Portale Millenario)
- Cromanvillea scarlatta (Pikmin 2)
- Cubo oggetto (Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)
- Cuoco Kawasaki (Kirby's Fun Pak)
- Cupit (Sennen Kazoku)
- Dado (Mario Party 8)
- Daisy (Mario Smash Football)
- Daroach (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- Dash (Star Fox Command)
- Dazel (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Deke (Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi)
- DEOXYS (serie Pokémon)
- Derek (Elite Beat Agents)
- Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong 64)
- Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong Country)
- Diddy Kong (Mario Slam Basketball)
- Diddy Kong (Mario Superstar Baseball)
- Digidrive (Digiluxe)
- Disco roteante (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Dixie Kong (Donkey Konga 2)
- DK (Mario Superstar Baseball)
- DK con barile (Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: LmdM)
- Don Bongo (Yoshi's Story)
- Donato (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- Donbe (Shin Onigashima)
- Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong Country)
- Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong Jungle Beat)
- Donkey Kong (Mario Kart DS)
- Donkey Kong Junior (Mario Tennis)
- Dr. Crygor (WarioWare: Touched!)
- Dr. Eggman (Sonic The Hedgehog)
- Dr. Mario (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Dr. Stewart (F-Zero GX)
- Dragosso (Yoshi's Story)
- Dribble (WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$)
- Dunning Smith (Hotel Dusk: Room 215)
- Duster (Mother 3)
- Dyna Blade (Kirby's Fun Pak)
- Dzuke-chan (English Training)
- E-102 Gamma (Sonic Adventure Director's Cut)
- E-123 Omega (Sonic Heroes)
- Egeyo (Zelda: Minish Cap)
- Egg (Game & Watch)
- ELECTRODE (serie Pokémon)
- Electroplankton
- Eliwood (Fire Emblem)
- Emerl (Sonic Battle)
- Enguarde (Donkey Kong Country)
- ENTEI (serie Pokémon)
- Ephraim (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
- Epona e Link (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Erazor Djinn (Sonic & the Secret Rings)
- Erika (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
- Espio the Chameleon (Knuckles' Chaotix)
- Eva (MGS3: Snake Eater)
- Excitebike
- Falce e Falcetta (Kid Icarus)
- Falco (Lylat Wars)
- Falco (Star Fox Adventures)
- Falco (Star Fox Command)
- Falco (Star Fox: Assault)
- Falkoman (Paper Mario: Il Portale Millenario)
- Famirè (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Fata (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Fata Radiosa (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Fermata cicogna (Yoshi's Island DS)
- Fiamma rossa (Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)
- Fido (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Figlia di Olimar (Pikmin 2)
- Filomena (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Fiore di Fuoco (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Fiorella (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Fire (Game & Watch)
- Fire Stingray (F-Zero GX)
- Firefly (Excite Truck)
- Fischietto d'argilla (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Flagman (Game & Watch)
- Flint (Mother 3)
- Fox (Lylat Wars)
- Fox (Star Fox Adventures)
- Fox (Star Fox Command)
- Fox (Star Fox: Assault)
- Fox (Starwing)
- Frammento di Cuore (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Freccia di luce (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Frodolo (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- F-Type (Wild Trax)
- Fungo (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Fungo 1-Up (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Funky Kong (Donkey Konga 3 JP)
- Gabby (Yoshi's Island DS)
- Ganon fantasma (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Ganondorf (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Ganondorf (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- GARDEVOIR (serie Pokémon)
- Gemma (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Generale Pepper (Star Fox: Assault)
- Gettone blu (Pikmin 2)
- Gettone giallo (Pikmin 2)
- Gettone rosso (Pikmin 2)
- Ghiandy (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Gigliola (Yoshi's Island DS)
- Giocatore grosso (Ice Hockey)
- Giocatore Yakuman (Yakuman)
- Girolamo (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Glubglu (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- Goffry (serie Yoshi's Island)
- GOLDEEN (serie Pokémon)
- Golden Fox (F-Zero GX)
- Gomar & Shioh (F-Zero GX)
- Goombella (Paper Mario: Il Portale Millenario)
- Goron (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Gracchio (Drill Dozer)
- Gracchio Bombo (serie Yoshi's Island)
- Granchio (Mario Bros.)
- Grande interruttore (Kirby e il Labirinto degli Specchi)
- Gray Fox (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
- Greil (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
- Griffa (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Grinfia (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Griock (The Legend of Zelda)
- GROUDON (serie Pokémon)
- Grubbly (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Guerriero Ing (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
- Guerriero Mech Gauss (Chosoju Mecha MG)
- Gulliver (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- GULPIN (serie Pokémon)
- Guscio spinoso (Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)
- Guy (Fire Emblem)
- Hajime Tanaka (Ouendan 2)
- Hanenbow (Electroplankton)
- Hayato Saionji (Ouendan 2)
- Hector (Fire Emblem)
- Helibokaan (Kururin Squash!)
- Hinawa (Mother 3)
- Hippy rétro new age (Mother)
- Hiroshi (Trade & Battle: Card Hero)
- HM Mech Rosa (Chosoju Mecha MG)
- HO-OH (serie Pokémon)
- Icona fiore (Paper Mario: Il Portale Millenario)
- Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
- Ike (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
- Il Presidente (Pikmin 2)
- Insegnante dell'Accademia (X)
- Iron Tiger (F-Zero GX)
- Istruttore (Pilotwings)
- IVYSAUR (serie Pokémon)
- J (Elite Beat Agents)
- Jake (Advance Wars: Dual Strike)
- Jeff (EarthBound)
- Jessica (Another Code: Due memorie)
- Jet the Hawk (Sonic Riders)
- JIGGLYPUFF (serie Pokémon)
- Jimmy T. (WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$)
- JIRACHI (serie Pokémon)
- Joshua (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
- Judge (Game & Watch)
- Junior (Donkey Kong Jr.)
- K.K. Slider (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Kafei con maschera Keaton (Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Kai Doumeki (Ouendan 2)
- Kalypso (Donkey Kong: Jet Race)
- Kamek (serie Yoshi's Island)
- Kamek (Yoshi Touch & Go)
- Kameka (Paper Mario)
- Kamisama (Sennen Kazoku)
- Kanden (Metroid Prime Hunters)
- Kat (Wario Ware: Touched!)
- Kikki jungle beat (Donkey Kong Jungle Beat)
- King Dedede (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- King Dedede (Kirby's Fun Pak)
- King Dedede e Kirby (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
- King K. Rool (Donkey Kong 64)
- Kirby (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
- Kirby (Kirby Air Ride)
- Kirby (Kirby e il Labirinto degli Specchi)
- Kirby cuoco (Kirby's Fun Pak)
- Kirby Cupido (Kirby e il Labirinto degli Specchi)
- Kirby Spino (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
- Kirsh (Magical Vacation)
- Klap Trap (Donkey Kong Country)
- Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic The Hedgehog 3)
- Kong Lee (Donkey Kong Jungle Beat)
- Koopa (Mario Smash Football)
- Kooper (Paper Mario)
- Koopistrice (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Kraid (Metroid: Zero Mission)
- Kritter (DK: King of Swing)
- Kritter (Mario Strikers Charged Football)
- Krystal (Star Fox Adventures)
- Krystal (Star Fox Command)
- Krystal (Star Fox: Assault)
- Kumatora (Mother 3)
- Kururin (Kururin Paradise)
- Kyle Hyde (Hotel Dusk: Room 215)
- KYOGRE (serie Pokémon)
- Kyorosuke (Densetsu no Stafy 4)
- Lady Boo (Paper Mario)
- Lakitu (Mario Kart: Super Circuit)
- Lakitu (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Lanky Kong (Donkey Kong 64)
- Lanterna (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- L'astronave di Olimar e Louie (Pikmin 2)
- LATIAS e LATIOS (serie Pokémon)
- Latte Lon Lon (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Leon (Star Fox Command)
- Leon (Star Fox: Assault)
- Lilina (Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi)
- Linebeck (Zelda: Phantom Hourglass)
- Link (The Legend of Zelda)
- Link (Zelda: Link to the Past)
- Link (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Link (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Link Deku (Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Link e i maiali (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Link e maschera Goron (Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Link guerriero (Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Link sul Re Drakar (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Link Zora (Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Lion (Game & Watch)
- Liquid Snake (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
- Little Saucer (Mother)
- Lloyd (Mother)
- Louie (Pikmin 2)
- LUCARIO (serie Pokémon)
- Lucas (Mother 3)
- Lucia (Drill Dozer)
- Lucia e trivella (Drill Dozer)
- Lucio (Mario Party 6)
- Ludwig von Koopa (Super Mario Bros. 3)
- LUGIA (serie Pokémon)
- Luigi (Luigi's Mansion)
- Luigi (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga)
- Luigi (Super Paper Mario)
- Luigi e Baby Luigi (Mario & Luigi: Fratelli nel Tempo)
- Luminoth (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
- Luna (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Lyn (Fire Emblem)
- Mach Rider (Mach Rider)
- Macorè (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Magkid (Slide Adventure MAGKID)
- Mago Melanzana (Kid Icarus)
- MANAPHY (serie Pokémon)
- Manhole (Game & Watch)
- Manky Kong (Donkey Kong Country)
- Marina (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Mario (Mario Kart DS)
- Mario (Mario Superstar Baseball)
- Mario (Super Paper Mario)
- Mario e Luigi (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga)
- Mario e Yoshi (Super Mario Sunshine)
- Mario Ombra (Super Mario Sunshine)
- Mario procione (Super Mario Bros. 3)
- Martelkoopa (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Marth (Fire Emblem: Monsho no Nazo)
- Master (Trade & Battle: Card Hero)
- Master Belch (EarthBound)
- Master Miller (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
- Mastro Toad (Mario & Luigi: Fratelli nel Tempo)
- Mastro Toad (Super Mario Sunshine)
- Materu (Densetsu no Stafy 4)
- Maverik (Advance Wars: Dual Strike)
- Max (Advance Wars)
- Megafungo (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Mei Ling (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
- MEOWTH (serie Pokémon)
- Mercante di maschere (Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Meryl Silverburgh (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
- Meta Knight (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- METAGROSS (serie Pokémon)
- Metal Gear RAY (MGS2: Sons of Liberty)
- Metal Gear REX (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
- Metal Sonic (Sonic CD)
- Metroid (Metroid Pinball)
- Metroid (Metroid: Zero Mission)
- MEW (serie Pokémon)
- Micaiah (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
- Midna (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Midna e Link lupo (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Midori Mushi (Slide Adventure MAGKID)
- Mila (Hotel Dusk: Room 215)
- Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
- Minimario (Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: LmdM)
- Mini-Wario (Virtual Boy Wario Land)
- Mist (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
- Mokka (Magical Starsign)
- MOLTRES (serie Pokémon)
- Mona (Wario Ware: Touched!)
- Mona e la sua moto (WarioWare, Inc.: MM)
- Moneta (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Moneta banana (Donkey Kong 64)
- Monster (FGPII: 3D Hot Rally)
- Morfosfera (Metroid Pinball)
- Morris (Elite Beat Agents)
- Mostro dell'ombra (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Mouser (Super Mario Bros. 2)
- Moy (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Mr. EAD (F-Zero GX)
- Mr. Resetti (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Mr. Saturn (EarthBound)
- Mr. Saturn (Mother 3)
- MUNCHLAX (serie Pokémon)
- Musketeer Daltania (Chosoju Mecha MG)
- Myrrh (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
- Nabaaru (Fire Emblem: Monsho no Nazo)
- Naked Snake (MGS3: Snake Eater)
- Nana (Ice Climber)
- Nanocarp (Electroplankton)
- Naomi Hunter (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
- Nave Yoshi (Yoshi's Universal Gravitation)
- Navetta (Metroid Fusion)
- Navetta (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
- Navetta (Metroid Prime Hunters)
- Nella (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Nemico (Balloon fight)
- Ness (EarthBound)
- Ningyou Kouchuu Viigaru (Chosoju Mecha MG)
- Ninian (Fire Emblem)
- Ninten (Mother)
- Noce Deku (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Noki (Super Mario Sunshine)
- Nonna di Link (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Nruff (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
- Ocarina del tempo
- Octoman (F-Zero GX)
- Octopus (Game & Watch)
- Octorok (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Ombretta (Mario Party 6)
- Ombretta (Paper Mario: Il Portale Millenario)
- Orbiter (Digiluxe)
- Orbulon (WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$)
- Otacon (MGS2: Sons of Liberty)
- Otto Yoshi (SMA 3: Yoshi's Island)
- Pak I. Derm (Yoshi's Story)
- Palla Meta Knight (Kirby: L'oscuro disegno)
- Palla Waddle Dee (Kirby: L'oscuro disegno)
- Pallottobolide (Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)
- Pallottolo Bill (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Palmense femmina (Super Mario Sunshine)
- Palmense maschio (Super Mario Sunshine)
- Panther (Star Fox Command)
- Panther (Star Fox: Assault)
- Papà (Chibi-Robo!)
- Parachute (Game & Watch)
- Paratroopa (Super Paper Mario)
- Pasqualo (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Passero (Magical Starsign)
- Paula (EarthBound)
- Pauline e Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong)
- Peach (Mario Strikers Charged Football)
- Peach (Mario Superstar Baseball)
- Peach (Super Mario Bros. 2)
- Peach (Super Princess Peach)
- Peach e Daisy (Mario Party 7)
- Pelly (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Pembroke welsh corgi (Nintendogs)
- Penny (WarioWare: Smooth Moves)
- Peppy (Lylat Wars)
- Peppy (Star Fox: Assault)
- Perara (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- Pergamena (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Perrisol (Super Princess Peach)
- Pesce Smack (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Pig Mask (Mother 3)
- Pigma (Star Fox: Assault)
- PIKACHU (serie Pokémon)
- Pikmin bianco (Pikmin 2)
- Pikmin blu (Pikmin)
- Pikmin giallo (Pikmin)
- Pikmin rosso (Pikmin)
- Pikmin rosso sdraiato (Pikmin 2)
- Pikmin viola (Pikmin 2)
- Pillola (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Pingle (Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland)
- Piombospino (Yoshi Touch & Go)
- Pipino Piranha (Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour)
- Pipino Piranha (Mario Strikers Charged Football)
- PIPLUP (serie Pokémon)
- Pirata Spaziale (Super Metroid)
- Pit (Kid Icarus)
- Pit (Kid Icarus: OM&M)
- Plum (Mario Golf)
- Polly (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Polly Molly (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Pomodoro Maxim (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- Poo (EarthBound)
- Porky (EarthBound)
- Postino (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Postino (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Principe Fagiolino (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga)
- Prof. Bilancini (Big Brain Academy per Wii)
- Prof. Bilancini (Big Brain Academy)
- Pugnazzo (Super Paper Mario)
- R.O.B. (Mario Kart DS US)
- Rachel (Advance Wars: Dual Strike)
- Rad (Excite Truck)
- Ragazza (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Ragazza (Magical Vacation)
- Ragazzo (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Ragazzo (Magical Starsign)
- Ragazzo (Magical Vacation)
- Raiden (MGS2: Sons of Liberty)
- Rakensen (Custom Robo: BR)
- Rambi (Donkey Kong Country)
- Ray (Custom Robo)
- Ray 01 (Custom Robo: BR)
- Ray MKIII (Custom Robo Arena)
- RAYQUAZA (serie Pokémon)
- Re Bulblin e Lord Bullbo (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Re di Hyrule (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Re Dodongo (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Red Gazelle (F-Zero GX)
- Remo (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Revolver Ocelot (MGS2: Sons of Liberty)
- Ricky Winterborn (1080°: Avalanche)
- Ridley (Metroid)
- Ridley (Metroid: Zero Mission)
- ROB (Star Fox Adventures)
- Rob Haywood (Wave Race: Blue Storm)
- ROB64 (Star Fox: Assault)
- Robocubo (Custom Robo: BR)
- Robot (Mario Kart DS JP)
- Robot e blocchi (Stack-Up)
- Rotohex (Digiluxe)
- Rottadicollo (Donkey Kong Jungle Beat)
- Rouge the Bat (Sonic Adventure 2: Battle)
- Roy (Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi)
- Rupia verde (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Rutoga (Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi)
- Ryota Hayami (Wave Race: Blue Storm)
- Ryuta Ippongi (Ouendan 2)
- Sabure Prince (Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru)
- Saetta (Mario Kart DS)
- Sahara (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Salsa (Mother 3)
- Sami (Advance Wars)
- Samurai Goroh (F-Zero X)
- Samurai Goroh (F-Zero)
- Samus (Metroid Fusion)
- Samus (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
- Samus (Metroid)
- Samus con la Tuta Gravità (Metroid: Zero Mission)
- Samus con la Tuta Oscurità (MP 2: Echoes)
- Samus con la Tuta Zero (Metroid: Zero Mission)
- Samus con la Tuta Zero (Metroid: Zero Mission)
- Samus Oscura (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
- Sayaka Amemiya (Ouendan 2)
- Scrigno (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- Scudo di Hylia (Zelda: Minish Cap)
- Scudo di Hylia (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Seal Head (Custom Robo: BR)
- Seiuchi-kun (Densetsu no Stafy 3)
- Serbatoio Energia (Metroid)
- Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Adventure 2: Battle)
- Shagohod (MGS3: Snake Eater)
- Shahra (Sonic & the Secret Rings)
- Sheik (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Shiba (Nintendogs)
- Shiida (Fire Emblem: Monsho no Nazo)
- Shroob (Mario & Luigi: Fratelli nel Tempo)
- Signor Stucco (Magical Starsign)
- Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog)
- Simbolo di Wario World (Wario World)
- Sir Baraonda e Joe Cilindro (Mario Party 8)
- Skull Kid (Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Skull Kid (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Slippy (Lylat Wars)
- Slippy (Star Fox: Assault)
- Snifit (Mario Party 3)
- SNORLAX (serie Pokémon)
- Snowman (1080°: Avalanche)
- Soldato FG (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
- Sole Custode (Super Mario Sunshine)
- Solid Snake (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
- Solid Snake (MGS2: Sons of Liberty)
- Sonic classico (Sonic The Hedgehog JP Ver.)
- Sonic classico (Sonic The Hedgehog US Ver.)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog)
- Sothe (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
- Spazio Bowser (Mario Party 6)
- Speciale (Metroid Pinball)
- Spitz (WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$)
- Squeaker (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- SQUIRTLE (serie Pokémon)
- Stafy (Densetsu no Stafy 2)
- Stafy (Densetsu no Stafy)
- Stapy (Densetsu no Stafy 3)
- Starman (EarthBound)
- Starman (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- STARYU (serie Pokémon)
- Statua Chozo (Metroid II)
- Stella del Millennio (Mario Party 3)
- Storm the Albatross (Sonic Riders)
- Strega Ghignarda (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga)
- Strizzo (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- SUICUNE (serie Pokémon)
- Sukapon (Joy Mech Fight)
- Super Mario Bros.
- Super Salto (Paper Mario)
- Super Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
- Super stella (New Super Mario Bros.)
- Sylux (Metroid Prime Hunters)
- Takamaru (Nazo no Murasamejo)
- Tamagon (Devil World)
- Tameo (Trade & Battle: Card Hero)
- Tartosso (Mario Party 7)
- Teddy (Mother)
- Telly Vision (Chibi-Robo!)
- Testacalda (Kirby: Topi all'attacco)
- Teste d'Uovo (Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol)
- The Boss (MGS3: Snake Eater)
- Tikal (Sonic Adventure Director's Cut)
- Tingle (Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland)
- Tingle (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Tino (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Tiny Kong (Donkey Kong 64)
- Tipo Elica (Yoshi's Story)
- Tipo Mostrine (Paper Mario)
- Tipo Palla Chiodata (Yoshi's Universal Gravitation)
- Tipo Timido (Yoshi's Story)
- Tipo Timidottero (Mario Power Tennis)
- Titanus (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Toad (Mario Party 6)
- Toad (Mario Party 7)
- Toad e Toadette (Mario Party 7)
- Toadette (Mario Party 6)
- TOGEPI (serie Pokémon)
- Tom Nook (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- TORCHIC (serie Pokémon)
- Torcibruco (Mario Power Tennis)
- Tortimer (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Triplo guscio rosso (Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)
- Turbo Strutzi (Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)
- Uovo di Yoshi (Yoshi Touch & Go)
- Valigi8.0 (Mario & Luigi: Fratelli nel Tempo)
- Valoo (Zelda: Wind Waker)
- Van Trik (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Vanda (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Vaso PS (Magical Starsign)
- Vector the Crocodile (Knuckles' Chaotix)
- Verdespino (Yoshi Touch & Go)
- Vermin (Game & Watch)
- Virus blu (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Virus giallo (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Virus rosso (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)
- Volpolo (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
- Volvoice (Electroplankton)
- Waddle Dee (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
- Waluigi (Mario Smash Football)
- Waluigi (Mario Superstar Baseball)
- Wario (Mario Smash Football)
- Wario (Super Mario 64 DS)
- Wario (WarioWare: Smooth Moves)
- Wario e Wario Bike (WarioWare Inc.: MM)
- Wario-Man (Wario Ware: Touched!)
- Wave Race: Blue Storm
- Wave the Swallow (Sonic Riders)
- Weavel (Metroid Prime Hunters)
- WEAVILE (serie Pokémon)
- Whispy Woods (Kirby's Fun Pak)
- White Cat (F-Zero GX)
- Wild Goose (F-Zero GX)
- Wild Gunman
- Wind Pigg (Donkey Kong Jungle Beat)
- WOBBUFFET (serie Pokémon)
- Wolf (Excite Truck)
- Wolf (Star Fox Command)
- Wolf (Star Fox: Assault)
- Wolfen (Lylat Wars)
- Wolfen (Star Fox: Assault)
- Wrinkly Kong (DK: King of Swing)
- Xananab (Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber)
- Yadokarita (Densetsu no Stafy)
- Yoshi (Mario Party 2)
- Yoshi (Paper Mario: Il Portale Millenario)
- Yoshi (Yoshi Touch & Go)
- Yoshi automobile (serie Yoshi's Island)
- Young Cricket (WarioWare: Smooth Moves)
- Zant (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Zebesiano (Metroid Fusion)
- Zelda (Zelda: Link to the Past)
- Zelda (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Zelda giovane (Zelda: Minish Cap)
- Zelda giovane (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Zinger (DK: King of Swing)
- Zombie (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Zora (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
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